it's february 2009. the last time i blogged was february 2008. has much changed? hardly. still hopping on and off the diet bandwagon, still relishing in puréed fatty organ meats, still digging the east bay vibe, still navigating the interwebs so frequently i think i might have ocd.
yet a lot really has changed. our stone cold fox of a commander-in-chief has pumped us all up. we all want to change the world, change our country, change ourselves. and we really believe we can do it this time. last year at this time i didn't worry about job security or whether or not i really needed to watch my spending. last year at this time i figured my health was important, but not that important.
there's no time for procrastination anymore. health problems have crept up on my loved ones unexpectedly, our economy is in the toilet, and feeling complacent about my place in this world just isn't going to cut it anymore.
so here's to a truly new year. a truly new me. a truly new bank account. truly. here's to a blog post in february 2010 that isn't titled "apparently i blog like once a year."
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