the holidays are always a challenge when it comes to dieting. everybody knows that. i luckily didn't fall too far off the weight loss bandwagon this december, although my goal of a svelte self is still far off in the distant future.
i did come to the conclusion that i really can't win at weight watchers. i've tried oh-so-hard to go to weekly meetings, diligently count my points, and clock in at fewer and fewer lbs. each month. but alas, no. so why spend the monthly fee.
before you call me a quitter, i must say that the general concept of ww is flawed from my foodie perspective. moderation is always key, but the points system which rewards members with more snacking abilities for consuming empty calories just doesn't fly. a plastic-wrapped weight watchers brand muffin is only two points. how convenient. but that locally-grown haas avocado is 9 points. i'm starving. of course i'll eat the weight watchers muffin - or seven.
with that said, i've determined that 2008 will be the year for me to slim down while beefing up my foodie repetoire. with the credo "everything in moderation," i will consume lamb shank, humboldt fog and duck confit. and i will go to the gym. often.
i've had several sessions with kristen, a wonderful personal trainer who from day one told me to eat real, local, organic, sustainable foods - eggs, almond butter, sprouted wheat breads, free range chicken...in small quantities. hey, i'd rather have a taste of something good than a stomach full of something bland.
so here's to 2008 - the year of ragout and treadmills.
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